Leading producer in the Medoc appellation since 1934 (140 winegrowers for 1,000 ha), our cooperative is certified IFS/BRC/ SO9001/HEV3 and ISO 26000 confirmed. It is a pioneer in the environmental approach and is committed to CSR with the values of respect, ethics, hospitality and collective.
We have 3 production sites for winemaking, a bottling center for "estate-bottled" wines and a 3,600-barrel cellar. Our range is sustainable and broad with brands and 46 châteaux, including 6 Cru Bourgeois.
Annual Production (number of bottles)
Percentage of Export sales
Austria, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, United States
Plans for export development
Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam
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